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Image by Markus Winkler


Christ Among Neighbors is a faith based organization that was started when a group of churches came together to form one organization for our neighbors to get help.  This assistance may include emergency service delivery and/or referrals/consultations to other agencies with the means to solve the problem.  We have been faithfully serving our community and in 2021 are celebrating our 20th year assisting clients.



July-August 2024

It has been a hot summer, has it not? We are thankful for the rain that has fallen recently, and for
some cooler temperatures. School is starting soon, and fall will be upon us before we know it!
Many of our neighbors in Shippensburg are continuing to struggle with needs. In June, 11
neighbors required assistance with rent, 1 with utilities, and 2 with auto or gas needs, for a total of
over $6,000. In July, CAN assisted 10 neighbors with rent, 2 with utilities, and 3 with gas,
totaling over $5,600 of aid.
We would like to give a shoutout to our amazing volunteers. We have over 20 volunteers from 12
different area churches, all working together to meet the needs of our neighbors in the
Shippensburg area. Thank you, volunteers! However, CAN is still in need of new volunteers,
especially on Saturday mornings. The schedule is flexible; you may volunteer for as few or as
many days a month as you wish. We’d love to have you join us in working to help our neighbors
in their time of need! Prospective volunteers may visit to see what they might be comfortable
helping with. If you are interested and would like to talk to someone about volunteering, please
call 717-532-7577 or email
The back-to school Family Fun Day was held at the Fairgrounds on August 10. There was a
wonderful turnout with an estimated 800 attenders. 550 backpacks of school supplies were given
out to local students. The CAN booth had guessing games and gave out over 100 small toys to
children who stopped by.
The Better Together annual event will be held at Katie’s Place on September 27 at 5-8 PM. Rain
date will be October 4. This is a family event for the whole community. Social service agencies,
churches, and businesses will set up tables of information. There will be food, games, door prizes,
a kid zone, and more. 
CAN is always seeking to use funds wisely. If clients have a utility shut off or a Court issued rent
eviction notice, we refer them to the Cumberland County Homeless/Rental assistance program
and CARES if they live in Cumberland County or to South Central Community Action if they are
in Franklin County before we assist financially. These groups do a brief phone interview to
determine if they meet the qualifications and then notify CAN of how much they can contribute.
If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your
light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

May God bless you richly as you serve Him!
The CAN Team



Christ Among Neighbors has been answering the call for help in our community for 20 years. We are now back in the office - check out “Application Process under our Home page for more details.










A HUGE THANK YOU to Truck Mart of Shippensburg for their fundraiser at the Shippensburg Fair with funds donated to Christ Among Neighbors!  Thank you for helping us continue the call to serve in the Shippensburg community.




Funding for Christ Among Neighbors is provided in part by the

Partnership for Better Health!

The Partnership for Better Health sponsored Match Madness, a large matching gift campaign, and we have been awarded a grant to further support our mission!
















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